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Ari & Mia - March 10, 2017

Sisters Ari and Mia will bring their uniquely wonderful music--with plucked, strummed, and most specifically, bowed strings--to our barn this spring and we're really looking forward to it. Cello, violin, and vocal harmonies as tight and nicely paired as the DNA that they share, will color the evening. At times, aspects of their music could remind one Elvis Costello's 'The Juliet Letters' (with the Brodsky String Quartet), but their music is based around much lovelier voices and frankly, more creative instrumentation. Listen and view 'All The Wandering' and 'Amelia' (we love it!) to get a taste of what's in store for us. As always, we encourage you to visit their website for more information and to hear more of their music and to see what others have said of them; in short, the sisters have garnered some wonderful press.

Three Springs Barn regulars know the rules: to reserve your seats for this show, you must RSVP. We’re asking $15 for this show; bring cash to pay at the door. Doors will open at 7 with music to begin at 7:30. As always, BYOB for the communal washtubs and a snack to share if you’d like. With a date of March 10, it may be spring or it may be winter in Wisconsin, but we don't care because it will be warm and cozy in the barn and we'll be spending the evening with friends enjoying the gift of live music! See you in March!

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