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Zachary Lucky - September 4, 2015

9/2/15 - CANCELED - U.S. VISA Issues

The landscapes we inhabit impact us all and we can’t help but project those influences. Whether it be through something as pedestrian as a regional accent, or as profound as the sense of place seen in the works of great writers, like Faulkner or Steinbeck. The vast open sweep of the Great Plains births people with an appreciation for understated beauty and sparse language. Zachary Lucky, from Saskatchewan, makes folk and country & western-tinged music that reflects the singer’s familiarity with heartache and beauty...and a life on the road, which is captured nicely in his song Morning Words. No Depression says “Lucky’s songs have lived lifetimes” and his album, The Ballad of Losing You, is “unapologetically anachronistic in every sense”, consisting of songs of heartache that are “battered, but beautiful.” Lucky has several albums out to date, including one simply titled ‘Saskatchewan’, which features some real gems, including “Leaves Are Falling”. To learn more about the music of Zachary Lucky, visit his website.

To reserve your seats for this show please email to RSVP. We’re asking $10 for this show. As always, BYOB for the communal washtubs and a snack to share if you’d like. For this show, doors will open at 7:30 with music to begin at 8:00. By early September, the flowers in the Three Springs Barn prairie will suggest the end of the summer season, a beautiful time, but also a touch bittersweet. The music of Zachary Lucky will fit the season and setting perfectly. Come join us for the evening, we’d love to have you.

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